by - Maret 25, 2018

                    How did you display your yarn ball ??? how about this trick ??? make it looks fresh to decorate your room and more unique with their size.

Step 1
Basic building
 prepare your yarn ball
 also a jars cap 
to prop your yarn ball
Step 2
Prepare mini pot
 to make a pot, use a bottle cap and tie it with a mini cable like this pic.
also add a hanger in the tip from a stiff plastic
 make some with various shape 
and prepare your mini plant such as a herb and a moss
 fill your bottle cap with plant media such as soil and compos (1:1)
let's planting...
also do it for other pot
Step 3
Lets decorate your garden
 cut a moss with jars cap size

 put some plant media in one side of a yarn ball
then put a moss 
 like this pic.
then hang your pot inside your mini garden
Step 4
make it more unique
 adding a wood nameplate and a woodstair
 i make it from a branch of plant, a ice stick and a matcstick
 cut and make it like this pic.

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