Cantik bukan herbarium yang satu ini ??? herbarium, what's that thing?? Herbarium merupakan tanaman koleksi yang diawetkan baik dengan cara kering (menghilangkan kadar air) maupun dengan cara basah (dengan cairan pengawet like a formalyn). This Herbarium is the easiest cuz only need a thick book.
1. First step, collect some flowers with various colour and shape
2. organize flower with some space or in every page of books to prevent it stick each other
3. save the book in dry place and stack it with some other books
4. wait until 2-3 weeks
when you open it, it'll be surprising you with their look....
i try to organize it on the cute drawing book like this
actually it's a pink colour flower but the colour was turn be like this, more beautiful
and this clover looks more amazing with their shape
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